Saturday, July 28, 2007

half way

it's more than half way through the summer. it's strange to me that it's that close until i start school again, in a different setting than i'm used to. i'm excited though--i looked and i will have met my financial goal for the new semester! and, i got a small scholarship. *do a little dance!*

i was drawing again yesterday. sending me to work without anything to do is a bad idea.

Friday, July 06, 2007

fourth flag

actually, there are five.
i didn't take as many pictures as i was planning on. things turned out a little differently than i thought they would. at any rate, at one point i decided to shoot the flag (wow, that sounds anti-patriotic) for angle-work. i really liked the sun. and the flag. America is pretty Awesome. i love her a lot. go USA. and i remembered to shrink the pictures! Happy Fourth, all!