Sunday, January 13, 2008

occam's dilemma

one of my friends from work came back from the Christmas holiday sporting a mustache.a few days later, i heard the other male in our group commenting on how he himself was thinking of growing a 'stache. this set me to thinking; you never hear a girl come casually into work and say, "i may just stop shaving for a while. i think it'd be stylish." or even better, "you know, i'm thinking about shaving stripes into my leg hair."
this presents a strange sociality for us: on the one hand, male facial hair is much more prominent and obvious than female leg hair. and yet, it is much more of a social faux pas for a female not to shave than it is for a male not to shave. why is that?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

every once and again, i get the impression that i step outside of time. the chronological classification and stereotypes go out the window and i'm left with people solely as entities in and of themselves. it's an interesting experience, and one that has occurred with more frequency since i've graduated. there are so many barriers that are in place when dealing with time. remove them and the individual comes out a lot more. of course, this is the case when any stereotype or boundry is removed. i kind of like the perspective one get with a lack of time.
however, i must attach a warning: while in my timeless state, i happened to fall asleep and did not set my alarm. i woke up, and had to be at work in twenty minutes. alas, time calls.

*i need to start shooting in film again. i'm getting sloppy.