Monday, October 24, 2005

bye bye birdie

the cold wind blew through the little bird as she slowed down and came to a stop. it was not as graceful as she might have hoped for, but it got her down to the ground. the penguin stared back at her, slightly taken aback at the disheveled creature. why had she come here? indeed the bluebird was contemplating this herself as the icy wind cut her to the core. she was not at home in this colorless landscape. if her back wasn't to the jacana, she might have bolted right then, if she had come at all. being who she was, the jacana knew more about her little friend than the bluebird herself did, and put her in the situation she had needed for the last six months. the bluebird relaxed slightly. the penguin didn't notice, but had gone back to the edge of the iceberg to watch for fish. at length the little one breathed a sigh of relief. her mind at ease, she brushed the snow off her wings, tensed, and took flight, the jacana following closely behind. though outwardly nothing noteworthy had occured, an inward door closed that had been letting in a draft.


Mavis Fausker said...

No one knows who the jacana is, you goose! For all readers, the jacana is the same person as the ocelot, but the animals were assigned by different people.

Oh, and you had some very ambiguous pronoun usage going on.

miss terri said...

wait, am i a goose now then too? only on tuesdays and bank holidays...
that's okay. it was a kind of ambigous situation if you stop to think about it. and since i haven't given myself an animal (that could get confusing) i used what you gave me, but from my perspective, the ocelot is a jacana remember? it's not from your point of view, so the jacana is more appropriate. plus, i like it better when they both fly. hmm, though it was a little ackweird yes, that all of them were birds (luckily one hasn't feathers). but that's not my fault!

Noah said...

actually. . .wait. . .

Illyz said...

I'm confused as well, what? is Miss T's animal MF?

Illyz said...

Or wait is Miss T's animal the jacana, MF? What is a jacana, anyway?

miss terri said...

mavis is the jacana, like she said, just from my perspective. and a jacana(pheasant tailed), is a bird. a wicked rad one too. i don't know if micky's confused or just being himself. either way, it's my story, okay?

Noah said...

so who are all your animals?

All i know is you is the birdy and k-diddy is the jacana so who's el penguino?

miss terri said...

el penguino ha estado salido por los seis meses pasadas. es una persona estrano, y se graduo' el ano pasado. hemos dicho cerde de esta persono extensivamente durante la ayuda matematica.

Mavis Fausker said...

I know that it was an ambiguous story line, but you used ambiguous pronouns. Like with the hand signal that doesn't translate onto the internet.

Usage of jacana was justifiable, I just had to clarify for everyone.