Monday, October 31, 2005

familiar entropy

there's a disorder in my house. people think that they see it in me, that i'm unique, but i have nothing compared to when i'm with my fam. progressive entropy is very much a driving force that pulses within our veins. i realized this last night as i was talking with my father. it was not so much the words he was using, as the elephant nose that he was strapping over the stem of a pumpkin, afterwards adding a scarf so that it kind of looks like lawrence of arabia. or a jewish woman. after the elephant nose he put a groucho marx disguise on another vegetable to go along with the arab. this would be more odd had my little brother not been similarly occupied a few weeks ago (a flying monkey magnetically attached to the light fixture and a tiger in an blow up electric chair). i myself was feeling almost dignified as i curled my hair for my costume the next day. then i saw the butterfly wings and that all went to pieces. before i knew what was happening i had two pairs of tights on, fuzzy hippo slippers, and was skipping around trying to gobble. luckily, as we learn in chemistry, randomity is a natural thing that is actually a driving force in the universe. that makes me feel better when i get dismayed expressions as i prance by people on my way to p.e. hugging a box of trix. (do you really expect a fool to go anywhere without her bag of tricks?)


Mavis Fausker said...

I was happy to learn that disorder is a driving force in the universe too. It made me gleeful. However, your randomity seems to have escalated to a dangerous point; typos are rampant and make this entry difficult to read.

Lindsey said...

Ah, I used to be more like that.

Then life happened.

miss terri said...

i have a life! my life is just a different style completely than the average one, so most people don't recognize it for what it is. like the difference between sound and sight. plus, i like it, and that's what matters anyway.

Lindsey said...

Yeah, well, I didn't say that you didn't. I'm just saying that for me, certain things that profoundly impacted my life made me less random and spontaneous.

Noah said...

there was a time when I myself was random and spontaneous.

Mavis Fausker said...

Now you're semi-predictable!

miss terri said...

only semi though, i still can't predict a number of the random things you do or speak of.

Lindsey said...

Well, it's my personal belief that nothing is truly random.

miss terri said...

i guess that would depend on what you define as random.

Mavis Fausker said...

So true. We need a reference point. Too bad people can't even theoretically be as orderly as a pure crystaline solid at 0 Kelvin.

miss terri said...

well actually, if you really want to get into THEOry....but that's really not applicable in any case. that's where the problem comes in. then again, we learn from the pure crysaline rather even though absolute zero is a theoretical idea.

Mavis Fausker said...

Well, yes, there is THEOry. But you got my point, right?

miss terri said...

yes, but i still like the thought, even so.

Lindsey said...

Well, I'm good at being ambiguously wise.