Friday, October 21, 2005

an odd thought

the bird launched into that air as though from a cannon. back to her domain, she soared through the sky that was colored just for her. the cool wind flowed through her feathers, taking her preoccupations as it left her. this was where she belonged. this was where she found peace. alone she flew along the currents she knew so well, they might have had names. no one for comparison, she was the almighty, the perfect one here. though the space around her to others might have seemed empty, she knew better. it was filled with the life that pulsed throughout her little body. as light as the air around her, here she could soar.


Mavis Fausker said...

And here I was thinking that you would write about a golden sparrow. I relate with your feelings, though. However, mine are more directed to the feeling of safety and security the the water.

miss terri said...

i thought about the little sparrow as i was writing it, but it was my feelings, so i talk about me. speaking of which... new post, new post!