Monday, May 29, 2006


it says something about the importance of remembering that they have a whole day given off to it, nationally. there's no school or work, you are just to remember.
the past is very much a part of me. the more stories that i hear of my ancestors, close or distant, the thicker the connection that i can see between them and myself. it makes me think about what traits i am setting up to pass down. who am i? who do i want to be? how am i going to become that way? who's going to help me?
i want to be worth remembering.

as summer begins

the little bluebird stretched as the morning sun touched the edges of her nest and woke her soul. she slowly uncurled and tumbled from the mass of twigs. she caught herself of course, and glided across the grass. she had a vague inclination of where she wanted to go, but for the most part she allowed the wind to carry her along. it was Her Sky, and it had a sort of dependant freedom that was enhanced by the warmth. she Soared. the landscape changed as the bird entered the urban terrain that her friend inhabited. he slunk out at her approach. the bird was surprised to see that he was guarding little ones. these would not be able to go across the hot sand on an excursion to the camel (guess who. i don't know what aminal this person's been given, if any.) she twittered, but was happy to be with the cat at all. one of the miniatures had a cinder under its paw that it pushed across the sidewalk to create a mark. the bluebird swooped down to join in and before long was covered in soot, as was the tomcat. the kittens scampered around the walkway, poking into all the corners they could find and more. as the sun moved along and the little ones were retrieved by their parents, the cat followed the bird out of the alley and up an overlooking hill. as they rose he she some of his guardianness and became more kitten-like, scampering through the grass and purring non-challantly. the bird happily sang no particular tune and rode the wind behind the tomcat. eventually the two parted and she swept back to her trees, still singing.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


i don't really know how to explain myself. it's all first draft, so don't rip it to pieces, ya? (good thing that maya is in egypt, no?) the different fonts are different poems, though they all kind of are similar...except the onion patch. that was just because...i planted onions in my mom's flower garden (nancy told her! curses!). yeah, so uh. good thing i'm a junior. ...k bye.
it's definitely summer. :D

standing on the eDGe
don't fall in
Hold back
Swing Low

a Light at your feet
don't be afraid
Step Forward
Swing Low

held within a Moment
caught along Eternity
and Forever
Swing Low

Stand Up Straight
don't look Down
look Within You.
what's around
is less important now

position Changes,
I do not
Time just

so UnFulFilled
my Potential faded
childish frivolity
simplicity Wasted

Stand up Straight
don't look Down
look Within You.
what's around
is less important now

yet again it's the end of the year
yes, filled with joy, but also fear.
i want to to jump forward, i long to hold back
chock full of knowledge, so much that i lack
past, present, future, mix and blend
reworking the clock, so thoughtlessly spent
back and forward,
swinging low

onions in a flower patch
i planted yesterday
the blossoms they are sure to match
in a Different sort of way.

until the small things germinate
i hope they aren't discovered
for i seeded them a little late
without permission from my mother.

plainly planted, yet well hidden,
my little garden patch
though socially Forbidden
to it
i've grown

Monday, May 22, 2006

something fishy

fishnets make my legs look and feel like ham. my feel are worse. who needs tech anyway? lights are over-rated. if there are no lights, no one can see us. no one can see us Mess Up. we don't have to wear make-up, or fishnets, or fake bake. heck, we might not even have to rehearse. i'm so tired. two weeks....i can make two weeks.
on the other hand, if i have to go through all of this, i may as well have the audience that brad and michelle are drilling us so hard for. it makes a great date! uh,maybe. y'all should come anyway. info is at the website
bluebird's gonna crash for a while. hasta la pasta.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


yay!!! holy cow! it's soooo good to hear that voice again. i LOVE that voice. it's deep and smooth with an easy laugh. even if it does refer to me as nancy more often than not. mmmm, it makes me Happy. actually, we had more than just voice conversation with nathan. we talked over skype, so we got video! ahahaha! he had the camera at a funny angle, so his nose, which is a good-sized nose, was AbNormally good-sized. plus, since he's gained weight, his cheeks are fuller and he looked kinda chubby. it made me laugh. i Miss him A Lot. i'm excited for Christmas. :D *happy dance*

Monday, May 15, 2006

tahitian penguino

it's a strange picture, and yet, it fits. hehehe
the bluebird and the jacana ruffled thair feathers in amusement as they sheepishly flew (yes, sheeps fly) out of the canopy of words. it was easy to get lost in the carnival of color and light. a type of finch had kindly shoed them out; the light had faded and the two hadn't even noticed. such was the entrancing display.
they separated and once more the bluebird was alone with her feathers. it wasn't long however, before the penguin waddled up, also looking rather sheep-like. a remarkable thing, sheep. they're so popular, they often are immitated. but back to the sheep-LIKE penguin. with an impending migration closing in, the bluebird heard his familiar chirp all the more often. she could sense a fear in him and was not sure how to ease it. it made her troubled her, but all she could do was frivolous.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

it's over. the mind bending, tormenting, wrenching, ruthless subject has finally turned tail. the door is closed ad i need not take the torture further. no more nightmares, not more sick correlations, and no more Study sessions at the library. no more C-notes, NO MORE! i think that i might have popped if it had gone on much longer. i was compulsively buying goldfish by the end. and twitching.
i don't even have to think about i for three months! saints be pwaised! really though, i'm glad that i did it. i survived, with all my limbs and most of my brain cells. i had so much help. i love my family, my amigos, my teachers, my neighbors, and my Father. i'm very blessed.
it's over though. completely. no more pressure. i don't know what to do with all the oxygen to my brain. it might combust. what do i do? Hahaha! i don't even care! i'm gonna clean my room, and make donuts, and play frisbee and kickball, hang out with my fish, and sleep and read and play with my family. and maybe do some hard core dating.

i think i should do a creative post soon. i miss being a bluebird.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

and breath out...halfway

i've discovered an alternate sub-reality. time is different there and it's very quiet. the predominant shape is a bubble. Everything in the world revolves around paper. of the worlds that i've been to, i must say that it's not my favorite. it's strange. i now appreciate the world in which i dwell more, though. now that the trip is over, and that door is closed, my mind is clearer. it's like ii've been holding my breath, and now there's a little less pressure on my lungs.
it's odd to think that a year's worth of work is over in a day. it's over. And, i don't i don't have to look at my scores until july. saints be pwaised! whatever happened, it's in the past.

oh! and as a postscript for you oldies, Official's going on a mission! she's headed to new zealand for the summer to minister for her church. er, i think. it's "global expeditions." it sounds pretty cool. i'm excited for her.