Tuesday, May 16, 2006


yay!!! holy cow! it's soooo good to hear that voice again. i LOVE that voice. it's deep and smooth with an easy laugh. even if it does refer to me as nancy more often than not. mmmm, it makes me Happy. actually, we had more than just voice conversation with nathan. we talked over skype, so we got video! ahahaha! he had the camera at a funny angle, so his nose, which is a good-sized nose, was AbNormally good-sized. plus, since he's gained weight, his cheeks are fuller and he looked kinda chubby. it made me laugh. i Miss him A Lot. i'm excited for Christmas. :D *happy dance*


9c said...

hey my name is nancy--fancy that...

miss terri said...

that's mt sister's name. my brother's been gone as i've grown my hair long for the first time. nancy's is really long, so we're getting to look a little more alike.

Miru said...

thats so awesome!!!! i'm so happy for you!!