Sunday, June 25, 2006

post script

i might chop it after nathan come home, just for a change. i'm a little scared to though. opinions and/or advice?

cut your hair - pavement

i confess, i Love getting my hair cut. having other people play with my hair is great. along with that, manicures, pedicures, facials and all relating procedures are equally fabulous. i guess i don't seem like the type, but that seems to surprise a lot of people (except mavis, who is shaking her head, laughing, and calling me weird).
i got my hair cut yesterday. nothing drastic, just a two-inch trim and retouch of all my layers. the salon is such a funny place. i love all of the different kinds of people, and the reasons for being there. And i Love the reactions of the stylists when they realize what they are dealing with. namely, the raging mass that is my beautiful brunette hair. those reactions are priceless, and will forever remain in my self-amusement section of memories. haha...
plus, after i get my haircut, i get to go on my traditional mini shopping spree. actually it's more like i get to wander around and freely spend five to ten dollars on whatever i want. it makes me happy and i get to show off my new do. which i got a few compimentary looks on by the way.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

happy dance!

guille sent me besitos!
anyway,, happy thought for the day that i just thought that i would share with you before i go to work. =D

Friday, June 16, 2006


i have decided that disney is ruining the psycological well-being of the rising and current generations. their degenerate tales corrupt impressionable minds with a false sense of social normality. i watched the little mermaid last night, and am thoroughly distraught at these unrealistic stories. it totally caters to the impetuous and disobedient child who ends up being happy and getting her way. it doesn't happen that way! and it shouldn't. i mean this girl is lying and sneeking away from her father, and "falls in love" with a specimin of a completely different species. she sees him and decided that that's the person that she's going to love for all eternity. there is no possible chance for her to love another being. she's completely sold. at the wise old age of 16. and the prince goes for it too! he is completely besotted with a girl because of a pretty face and a beautiful voice. it's all physical. ugh.
She's so lovesick that even when her father tells her that she's being stupid, she goes off to the renowned witch and changes Species so she can seceed from everyone she's ever known to chase after a guy she's never even talked to. And she has to get him to Truely love her AND kiss her in less that three days. A: a good pair of pants fits in with the rest of you wardrobe, and B: True love doesn't develop in Three days. it takes Time and you should be friends first, really getting to know them as a person. common interests and goals and values and all that.
other fairy tales are just as bad; take snow white (i for one would not run off and marry the first guy that came along and kissed my cold dead corpse. creepy.), sleeping beauty, and a vast myriad of others. they've sold out! i shake my head at them. it's no wonder that the divorce rate is nearly 50%. :P
so the moral is keep your temper and your fins.

p.s.- my consolation! robin hood was good friends with marian! they were best buds! that one will work! praises be!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


the penguin's suited up starting last night. cool beans.

spilled milk over the bridge

i have a lot on my mind, but a short circuit between my brain and my tongue. i can't think of how to say anything. it's a good thing that it's summer. that way i can be unexpressive without rising questions. plus, i have work today, so i have an excuse to be non-sensically happy. it's what i'm payed to do. it's literally one of the reasons that i was hired. i'm excited. people here are a lot happier than the ones at the grease pit. even though i like the grease pit, i like working around people who don't hate their jobs. i'm glad i worked there though. i've not had formal training and it's looking like i'm not really going to get any. yesterday right after the boss left, the place Exploded! we were running out of everything and were getting close to the end to the other two workers' shifts. luckily, they didn't abandon me, even when their replacement didn't show up. jeremy drove from near heber to cover and save my skin. speaking of which, i have to go to work now. ta!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

common? sense

i always find myself reminded of the classic quote about how common sense is not common. i should not expect it to be so. i do realize that i was raised somewhat abnormally - the youngest girl in a family with five boys and a Tomboy mom, i often have boyish tinges to my personality and views. not only this, but my parents are both avid readers and classic nerds (they met in a math class). regardless of this however, a person should be able to use a knife somewhat properly. it is not a toy, but neither will it bite you if you are careful. i saw both of these ends today, and they both Frustrate me. the former more, because it's sheer Stupidity and more. Not Happy.
this was before we even got to the fire-building. why do these girls know next to nothing? my brothers and i were always building fire in our backyards. i Know that they have moms and dads. why don't they know basic skills? it was all i could do not to just build the fire myself. I'm not the one who needs to certify. beyond that, Don't wave a hot match around. though not as bad as playing with knives, a hot matchhead Can and Will burn things. like fingers.
k, i'm off. ciao y'all.

Monday, June 05, 2006

red skins

i still like the idea, so i'm going to post it, even though it's a couple days old.

the sound of drums echoed through the forest as the bluebird glided ever closer to the clearing. she was not sure what to expect, and was very tense. she stayed at the edge of the trees, peering through to see. there they were. the red skins were quietly making preparations for an excursion of some sort. the bird crept closer, but discovered that wings are not made for creeping, and tumbled disgracefully into the open, catching the attention of all the indians. no turning back now.
but to her strange surprise, the m-vites did not attack. she followed them again through the woods to another clearing, listening to their foreign speech and occasionally daring to add in her own chirp. though they were very different, the m-vites took care and included the little bird whenever they could. by the time she got back to her nest, the bluebird had a pinkish tint to her feathers and had thoroughly enjoyed herself