Friday, June 16, 2006


i have decided that disney is ruining the psycological well-being of the rising and current generations. their degenerate tales corrupt impressionable minds with a false sense of social normality. i watched the little mermaid last night, and am thoroughly distraught at these unrealistic stories. it totally caters to the impetuous and disobedient child who ends up being happy and getting her way. it doesn't happen that way! and it shouldn't. i mean this girl is lying and sneeking away from her father, and "falls in love" with a specimin of a completely different species. she sees him and decided that that's the person that she's going to love for all eternity. there is no possible chance for her to love another being. she's completely sold. at the wise old age of 16. and the prince goes for it too! he is completely besotted with a girl because of a pretty face and a beautiful voice. it's all physical. ugh.
She's so lovesick that even when her father tells her that she's being stupid, she goes off to the renowned witch and changes Species so she can seceed from everyone she's ever known to chase after a guy she's never even talked to. And she has to get him to Truely love her AND kiss her in less that three days. A: a good pair of pants fits in with the rest of you wardrobe, and B: True love doesn't develop in Three days. it takes Time and you should be friends first, really getting to know them as a person. common interests and goals and values and all that.
other fairy tales are just as bad; take snow white (i for one would not run off and marry the first guy that came along and kissed my cold dead corpse. creepy.), sleeping beauty, and a vast myriad of others. they've sold out! i shake my head at them. it's no wonder that the divorce rate is nearly 50%. :P
so the moral is keep your temper and your fins.

p.s.- my consolation! robin hood was good friends with marian! they were best buds! that one will work! praises be!


collinhead said...

some of them have good morals. i think. i've heard cars has a good moral. i haven't seen the whole thing though.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, they ruin the original stories anyway. Snow White executed the queen, Sleeping Beauty was raped, the Little Mermaid actually did get a long time to get him to like her, but she turned into a bird when he married someone else and she died, etc.

The only princess with a brain was Belle.

collinhead said...

i like belle. you're right on that one.

miss terri said...

yeah. that's a pretty good one.
i think though that besides winnie the pooh, my children's fairy tales are going to be more grimm. props to disney for good kid stuff, but they can get that stuff at granma's, and i want some fiber to my stories! poor children.

collinhead said...

i dunno, if they told the grimm versions of the stories it would screw children up. you can't tell them all scary stories, they'll be scary people when they grow up.

Mavis Fausker said...

You could tell them "The Stubborn Child". I'm a fan of that grimm one.

Beyond the scope of grimm, the White Cat knew her prince for three years! That one wins. Of course, the ending isn't exactly suitable for children.

"Chop off my head!"

"What the...I'm not going to chop off your head! You're cool; I wouldn't do that. Besies, I have that whole final task thing to worry about."

"Come on, you ninny! Just do it."

"All right." *chop* "Wow, a beautiful princess!"

All the cats in your neighborhood would be decapitated within the week.

collinhead said...

oh no, my kitty cat.. :(

Miru said...

I love belle...
What things you think of mavis.. actually, makes me laugh..
but it's true, I hate snow white

miss terri said...

i have trouble with what to or not verbalize sometimes. i'm getting better, but i do sometime verbalize things that others don't.

rauf said...

Children normally grow out of it Miss Terri but as you say the message is left behind in the young minds. What I find more harmful are the violent computer games. More than half the children pick up guns as toys.

Noelle said...

Yay Belle! I also like Mulan. She doesn't chase, and they get to be really good friends (and her lies are for good intentions? Yeah, that part's kinda hard)

Mavis Fausker said...

Tonight I read my little brothers the Celtic version of Cinderella. It's called Geal, Donn, and Crithneanach. Now, as far as love goes, it's hardly better than the other versions, but it has its high points. But the Prince of Loch Abar, Duncan, has to fight nine men over the course of nine days to win Crith over, and then the other two sisters conspire to kill her (there is intervention on the part of a whale). It was cool enough to keep two eight-year-olds, an eleven-year-old, and a thirteen-year-old entertained.

The morals were better too. Moral number one: be kind to door-to-door sales people; they could be fairies. Moral number two: if you're unkind to your siblings, you end up either dashed upon the rocks at the base of a cliff or abandoned at sea in a row boat without oars.

miss terri said...

hahaha! mavis, you make me laugh.
there are definitely worser things. true.

collinhead said...

Faries or not, door-to-door salesmen bug the crap out of me.
But about the dashing against the rocks... Psalms 137:9. I'm just so full of scripture.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yeah, she was an old, decrepit door-to-door sales lady by the name of Baobh. I would have sent her away with a curse, like it said most people did. But, like I've said before, people in fairy tales are stupid, so Crith let her in the house anyway.