technically, i'm not supposed to be writing until school starts, but i had a funny thought to share and since i'm still somewhat intelligable and i've not read at all today, i think that i can sneek away with this.
so, in 2 nephi 28 i was reading merrily along when i ran into some rather interesting vocab: ripe, shaken, stirred up...and i started to think, "this sounds a little like it could be a cooking show!" which puts a whole new perspective on the Book of Mormon. yes,
gospel cooking with the prophets, now airing on tuesdays and thursdays at 7/6 central and pacific. put an apron on nephi, add a hat and oven mitts, mormon and moroni sitting in the audience and martha stewart can kiss her kitchen goodbye. mmmm, a big bowl of lamanites, anyone?
hahaha, time to script!
(it probably doesn't help that i watched an hour straight of swedish chef clips.)