Monday, December 25, 2006


i'm ocd, get over it. yes, i've finished my homework, get over it. this is what happens when i have stuff to do and no life.

anyway, on with what i really want to talk about.
elder came home last week. it's been interesting having him here. he's the same person, but not the same. i remember some things that i notice are the same and i see other things that are not the same at all. who is this person? i don't really know how to act around him or what to do. i know that i had the same problem when sister came home last year, but i still don't know what to do about it. mostly i just feel awkward and silly.

then again, i know that i have changed a lot. i am not the same as i was two years ago, hair aside. it's odd to think that he only really got snapshots of what was larger than life for me.

i kind of wish that he had come during school because it would have given me an excuse to do something all day instead of just feeling out of place. That is one reason why i finished the homework that i had. kind of the anti-social way out, but what can i do? oi.

Christmas is good. it always is. it was carnage all day. it's a great picture, isn't it? Christmas carnage. it seems sos weird to me sometimes that people give me presents. i got so much. i get so excited. i still wake up at six. i was just happy that all the family was there. that was the best. though, i won't say no to a stuffed reindeer. it's so cute!

1 comment:

rauf said...

"he's the same person, but not the same. i remember some things that i notice are the same and i see other things that are not the same at all"

Tes miss Terri I have gone through that. and I am master at looking awkward and silly.