Take care of the sense and the sounds will take care of themselves. ~Lewis Carroll
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
rain rain...
it rained today. there are times when i like the rain, but today all i wanted was the sunshine. unfortunately, i also procrastinated the weekend away and i have a photo assignment due tomorrow, so i had to take it today. the topic is "meaning".
I like the one that, when I'm trying to find "meaning," speaks loudly of abandoned, or ruined, or tarnished childhood. Basically the toy in the gutter.
i suppose in short, which i am, i'm the atypical person discreatly disguised as a typical teenage girl. it throws a lot of people off. and highly amuses me.
sorry for not making them small again. i'll try to remember next time.
I like the one that, when I'm trying to find "meaning," speaks loudly of abandoned, or ruined, or tarnished childhood. Basically the toy in the gutter.
I love the toy in the gutter. I don't know why, but I just really really like that one. They're all good I think but that one is my favorite.
it's my favorite, even though it's sad.
sad is ok. it's an important emotion :P
My favorite is the wheel, actually.
Does my opinion matter more since I'm a photography major? :P
i suppose we can make accommidations for you. why do you like the wheel, which is actually a geo-dome?
Well, I didn't know what it was and wheel was the best I could come up with.
I like it because it reminds me that it's okay to be where I am.
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