Wednesday, June 06, 2007

the living dead!

i need to write something right because i don't know how long this will last; my keyboard has come back to life! a joyful noise is issuing from my hay-fevered throat. i love hernandez at the moment. he gets to stay for another term.


Mavis Fausker said...

Would that term be for the duration of his keyboard's lifespan?

I can't help but wondering what the Death of Keyboards would look like. I have been reading way too much Terry Pratchett. It's doing things to my brain.

miss terri said...

that term is for however long i can stand him. the mouse is half-gone, and the keyboard went out again, so it's back to external keyboarding. i've threatened by going onto craigslist, but i'm just not sure he has the energy to be defensive anymore, and i'm pretty sure i don't have the money to spend on another one yet. i think if i can fall back on the family desktop, i can make it through the summer and maybe a semester or two, or until it implodes one day. whichever comes first.

Mavis Fausker said...

I wish Hernandez good health in the coming months.

miss terri said...

me too

collinhead said...

Poor little Hernandez.