Sunday, November 18, 2007


a sequence of morning thoughts at house over breakfast:
-you know, fairytales aren't all that they're cracked up to be...
--yeah, like, do you know how much it could hurt if someone climbed your hair? plus, imagine the slip ends.
-do you know how hard it would be to climb hair?
--very true. unless you put some hairspray or something in it to give it texture.
-or you could use all that hairspray to rat it.
--that would make an awesome afro. repunzal at the disco...


Mavis Fausker said...

Haha! It's so true, though. Half the reason I like reading fairy tales is because they aren't so perfect--in other contexts I'd say they weren't like fairy tales, but here it doesn't quite make sense.

But with the hair thing: If she had it braided, you could slip your hands between the three parts of hair. Same with footholds. I mean, if she really wants you to climb up her hair, it's not going to matter much if you start wriggling your hands about to get a good grip.

miss terri said...

this is true.

collinhead said...

I always wondered what they did once the knight man got up there. Sure he's up there, but the door's still locked.

Mavis Fausker said...

You mean, how did they get out? They didn't. The reason they got caught was because they stayed in the tower. The prince was slowly bringing Rapunzel enough small pieces of some fabric (it varies in the tellings--linen, silk, wool) to weave into a ladder so she could get down too.

If you mean, what did they do to entertain themselves...well, the answer's quite different. I believe there are several answers, but one can be given by the fact that after the witch blinded the prince and sent Rapunzel to live in the desert, the princess gave birth to twins.

collinhead said...

oh, i guess i missed that part of the story. all i remember is that he went up there. you sure know your fairy tales!!!

Mavis Fausker said...

You might say I'm mildly obsessed, actually. Not exactly healthy, but there are worse things.