Tuesday, April 26, 2005

any journalists out there?

i have an assignment to talk to three people in occupation fields that i have interest in. interested anyone? feel free to comment aswell if you happen to be involved in photography, linguistics, chemistry, psycology, or maybe teaching. but moving on...
the new artemis fowl book is out!! se llama : the opal incident. fabulously done just like the other three and pretty much anything else by eoin colfer.
my day today, for all those out there listening, went a little bit like this: wake up, go to class, testing, more class and testing, go to lunch, even more class and then home where i am comfortably talking to myself as i write an obscure blog. i have an AP spanish test the 4th, aswell as a chemistry test that i will miss and then need to take after school the same day. any advice for staying sane is welcome. but right now, i'm gonna take a nap and reflect in the luxury that for one of the few times this year, i haveno homework. :)


Noah said...

I have some advice for staying sane. Graduate Early from high school take a million college classes over the summer, and work your tail off. Then come back to high school your 18th year and have fun with the rest of us. C'est tout. Paix hors. (That's all. Peace out)

miss terri said...

being mr miner would be fun.