Friday, April 29, 2005

wet hair and prom

it always surprises me to re-discover that me hair sorta curls when it's wet. but anyway.... my day's been okay. except that a confusing nowegian frenchie is out for my blood. i'm afraid. i had to run for my life. i didn't even do anything. all that i said was that she spoke english like she spoke whatever other language that she spoke before, so for a second i couldn't tell what language she was speaking. i know that i speak spanish like i do english; it's not an insult. i was just interested is all. and now i have a price on my head. in other news, i got a three on the practice ap test i took! hopefully i'll do well on the real thing. the same goes for my science final too. i have homework in three of my classes that i probably should do, but i don't want to at the moment. that's one of the drawbacks of being a persuasive speaker. i can talk myself out of what i should do.
prom's tomorrow. that's wierd. i think that we're... going rock climbing? i'm not sure. i'm excited to be a girl though. it's been so long since i've been dolled up. :)

....okay bye!

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