Wednesday, June 22, 2005

no! No! NOOOO!

it's too early in the morning to go into spanish mode. i nearly was there when i saved myself at the brink. but anyway...
wow. it's been nearly a week since the last post put i up and yet i am still at a lack of words. nauvoo was great, but the cliff notes that i wrote on that were a page long and that's boring. so we'll forego that shall we? but there still needs to be stuff here, so here's a poem that came to me yesterday midst my dilerium. please feel free to fix what needs to be fixed (mavis, marcus and b-ball boy [if he's still alive] this means you!).


Pained, the creature
once beautiful, now lies in sickly decay
waiting for Death

consumed in flame
it waits
ashes glow and ebb

Still Silence
Hope leaves.

from Death creeps Life
and rises

forgotten, it grows
inexplicably strengthened

Magnificent, the creature
Takes Flight

Thursday, June 16, 2005

on the banks of the mississippi

hey kids, sorry this is so short, but i have three minutes to be in bed. we have wireless at the hotel, so i pried the compuker out of my dad's fingers. wow. the plains are like a green pancake with trees on it. mount'n seperation anxiety. you could watch your dog run away for three days.and it's humid and the streets aren't square. i'm easily befuddled. the mississippi is beautiful. IT'S HUGE!!! we're actually in keokuk al momento and looking around. the reuniun is fun and we've already run into the missionaries. they thought it was insane to see so many mormons in one spot without a general authority around. anyway, tell y'all bout it when i have more time. g'night all!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


so, in the two seconds that i have before my mom gets back on my to return to packing...(honestly, how hard is it? you throw in a change of clothes, well, a couple, jacket, a toothbrush and a notebook with pen and i'm good to go) anyway, just sos y'all know i'll be in illinois till next week for some crazy super geneology reunion. my dad's a major geneology nerd and is stressing it major. but...i'm super excited. this'll be my premiere excursion out of the western states. all four that i've ever been to. :P
well, be good while i'm gone. i'd hate to have to beat anybody when i get back. oh, AND I STILL WANT THOSE RECIPES!! PLEASE!

Saturday, June 04, 2005

maybe i'm just hungry at the moment...

okay, i really want food. but not real food. really. what i want is recipes, so, i want (please) the two favorite dinner recipes of everyone who reads this.(PLEASE!!!) danka!
-the sunbleached bluebird :)

Friday, June 03, 2005


i'm sick of people. (please don't take offence, it's not any person in particular, just in general). one of the reasons that i was uber excited to get out of school was that i could get away from people till my brain started to rot, then call and play with them, however, my brain hasn't begun to decay as of yet and i can't go a full day just being at my home vegging. to explain: i'm on social overload and need some time where i can become utterly and completely bored so i feel like exerting myself once again. this helps me be amiable and keeps my charma in check. at the moment, people keep "planning" twattle because they think that they have to be connected 24/7 during summer. it's okay and good for you to go solo for a while. i promise. anyway; that's my soapbox for the week, but don't feel bad. to use a cliche, it's not you, it's me. i just need to be alone for a while. ciao.