Saturday, June 04, 2005

maybe i'm just hungry at the moment...

okay, i really want food. but not real food. really. what i want is recipes, so, i want (please) the two favorite dinner recipes of everyone who reads this.(PLEASE!!!) danka!
-the sunbleached bluebird :)


miss terri said...

statix, you're cwazy. i'm not sure on the cookies, but thanks! hmm, what do you eat for dinner when your mom cooks then?

Mavis Fausker said...

Once I can find the recipe for my neighbor's amazing marinated steak I'll put it up on here. Other than that I'm thinking crepes, but you're already set on that. I'll try to come up with something else.

miss terri said...

mmmm, marinated steak. :) yes please

Alexander said...

I wish I could give ya something, but I got nothing. Except banana pancakes.

miss terri said...

hee hee. do you people just not eat? i guess that there's always hotdogs and pizza, but how could your poor mom do that to you? *sigh* :)

miss terri said...

cheese grits? as in squeeky cheese? my dad loves those. fried deer steak sounds good. i've never had deer fried. just grilled or roasted. have you ever tried snake? it's good stuff.

miss terri said...

*gasps!* no likey the snake?! que raro! que va? bueno, que mas a ti te gusta? ai! recibirE los rusultos de mi examen espanol ap en una mes! tengo miedo!

Lindsey said...

My aunt just made burritos... I asked her for the recipe, so when I get it I'll post it, if you want it...

miss terri said...

yea for the little donkey! i'm a fan! yes please! (hey suzie, where's that marinated steak recipe?!) :) hee hee hee i get all too much a kick out of audio compatibility.