Thursday, June 16, 2005

on the banks of the mississippi

hey kids, sorry this is so short, but i have three minutes to be in bed. we have wireless at the hotel, so i pried the compuker out of my dad's fingers. wow. the plains are like a green pancake with trees on it. mount'n seperation anxiety. you could watch your dog run away for three days.and it's humid and the streets aren't square. i'm easily befuddled. the mississippi is beautiful. IT'S HUGE!!! we're actually in keokuk al momento and looking around. the reuniun is fun and we've already run into the missionaries. they thought it was insane to see so many mormons in one spot without a general authority around. anyway, tell y'all bout it when i have more time. g'night all!


Mavis Fausker said...

Really, the Mississippi makes you wonder if when authors say "stream" they mean our definition of "river." You can wade across our rivers. I like big bodies of water. As for block streets, I hate going to California. There's no rhyme or reason to anything and all the streets are named! What are they thinking? Such disorganization. It's good to hear you're having fun though. Hope you enjoy the rest of your stay. :)

Oh, and by the way, it's "reunion," not "reuniun."

Alexander said...

That's really funny, I love your description about the dog running away. Real creative, I'll have to quote you on that. Shake a missionary's hand for me, woncha?

miss terri said...

really mavis. the streets had names galore and were all curvy and different sized. how do you expect to get anywhere, honestly? sunset on the mississippi is something unspeakable. the sky burns and sparkles with colors unknown to us utahs with our mountains. speaking of which, we watched as part of a program a bunch of missionaries old and young, singing, dancing, and being silly mormons till the sun dropped into the river. i think that that would be one of the funniest missions ever. the rules i think were a little different(ie: in some of the sketches they danced together, hugged, etc). it was kinda weird when you remembered that they were missionaries. and just for you marcus, i did shake a missionary's hand. :)

Alexander said...

Oh gosh, I love sunsets. You've gotta take a picture for me. That description sounds amazing.

Mavis Fausker said...

She's back now, Marcus. Taking a picture of an Illinois sunset could be kind of hard now. But it's true. They have awesome sunsets there. And they have lightning bugs.

miss terri said...

yay for lightning bugs! and frogs!

Lindsey said...

Without a general authority -- that was brilliant. As for sunsets, I took pictures of one while on a train last night. (I know enough about photography to do that -- haha!!) I can send you some if you'd like, Marcus.