Saturday, November 26, 2005

colorlessly shod i wander through space
looking for solace, looking for a place
to rest.

my whole soul shivering, i yet remain awake
expected disappointment my hope takes

deserted by the bedpost i stay
until bathed in sunlight, sleep washes away

there are two main seasons that spur me to poetry: the begining of winter, and the true beginning of spring. i could have guessed that the snow would come, but it still takes a minute to transition from the wire to the generator. it's okay though. i guess that we can't play forever. and the world, like everything else, needs its naps. thus we come to appreciate the time that we have to be awake.

Monday, November 21, 2005

people are people

one thing that has always driven me crazy is that each person is several people all rolled into one. they have the person that they are at school, the person that they are outside of school (at times these are related), the person that the family knows them as, the person that they think of themselves as, and the person that they are subconsciously. excluding yourself, you only know one, maybe two of the people that are the person you interact with.

i've noticed it more as i spend time on the blog net. i get so confused by some of the other blogs because i see these people at school and they are entirely detached, it seems, from the words that they post on their blogs. why?

i know that i do it too. that was part of my problem with frog boy. it caused issues. i still don't understand though. i try really hard now to be the same person wherever i am. it's an effort to reduce social problems that i am prone to get into. it's another crusade! yay!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

mine moment

seeing as i'm bored out of my brain and in my comp tech class, i'm going to... write you a poem. don't you feel special?

sitting here at my computer,
my mind slowly starting to drain.
absurd that this class is required.
it really is quite a pain.

my work i've already accomplished,
my assignments already turned in,
i pause to think, my stomache it sinks
my brain goes into a spin

for what if we all lived flatly,
with second dimentional math?
would pyhsics in paper be altered,
reactions take a strange path?

why are our brains such dull colors?
do choking smurfs really turn blue?
what angle'd it take and what change in the sky
to make it an irridecent hue?

my brain with questions is swirling
my sweater, it keeps me warm.
though scratchy it's soft,
i have a slight cough
and now my poem i'm ending.

Monday, November 14, 2005

when in doubt, the answer is 7

i'm cuurently occupying myself with my favorite pastime! that's right, you guessed it! avoiding my homework! not just that, it's my english homework. which is actually pretty pathetic since the assignment is just to read a story and answer some questions. but it's the thought that counts.
previous to blogging i was playing with a magic marker. guess what! now it says that i was made in china on my foot. and it's been decided that the only way that i'm going to get married is if i wear 6 inch heals and wear a tiara with lots of curls to make my hair big. yeah, maybe it's best that i'm not working with sharp objects.
*sigh* i wish that it was wednesday; things are better on wednesdays.

Friday, November 11, 2005

not just me

i know that it's not just me. i just react differently, but everyone around is affected. well, the majority.
the world is going to sleep and like kid before bedtime, Everyone is a little resiliant and not willing to give up the last little bit of the day. i thought that perhaps it was just the drama that i am a tangent to and therefore more watching that participating in. with the whole load of heavy stuff that is coming from around me i thought that it was the drama. but then i looked around a little bit, and i was surprised to see how many people have similar feelings to their thoughts. yes, some have a more dramatic display, but the underlying feeling is the same.
so perhaps i'm not so bizarre in my solar energy and reaction to the changing lights. everyone is affected, just it comes out different in me than in most. so what else is new?

Monday, November 07, 2005

orange colored sky

I was walking along, minding my business,
When out of an orange-colored sky,
Flash! Bam! Alakazam!
Wonderful you came by.

I was humming a tune, drinking in sunshine,
When out of that orange-colored view
Wham! Bam! Alakazam!
I got a look at you.

One look and I yelled "Timber"
"Watch out for flying glass"
Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out,
I went into a spin and I started to shout,
"I've been hit, This is it, This is it! I-T it!"

I was walking along, minding my business,
When love came and hit me in the eye,
Flash! Bam! Alakazam!
Out of an orange-colored sky.

One look and I yelled "Timber"
"Watch out for flying glass"
Cause the ceiling fell in and the bottom fell out,
I went into a spin and I started to shout,
"I've been hit, this is it, this is it! I-T it!"

I was walking along, minding my business,
When love came and hit me in the eye
Flash! Bam! Alakazam!
Out of an orange-colored, purple-striped, pretty green polka-dot sky
Flash! Bam! Alakazam! And goodbye!

i love this song! it is so good! admit it, you can definitely see the correlation between this song and yours truly. i have to admit that i love the pretty orange of the sky. it makes me smile. :)

Saturday, November 05, 2005


i haven't anything profound to write, so you get the mundane life of me because i'm BORED and no one emailed me or is on msn and the phone is of satan. especially since nancy has two dates today and they're both calling every other hour. my brain is decomposing and will soon start oozing from my nose and eyeballs. man, my day's not even been super exciting. i woke up and was going to eat breakfast with smiley, but that was canceled since the people we were going to eat with left to go out of town; he'd forgotten. so we're doing some fall prep round the home; the two minor ones and i went out and cleaned out some water barrels to put in the garage. we put water in them and rolled them around the yard playing bumper cars, push fighting, and dancing on them. it was acually really fun, though my feet got kind of cold. that's ot. that's my day. i'm avoiding my chemistry to the last minute and i can't go ask my date to sadie's until it gets dark. HELP! Somebody come Save ME!!