Thursday, November 17, 2005

mine moment

seeing as i'm bored out of my brain and in my comp tech class, i'm going to... write you a poem. don't you feel special?

sitting here at my computer,
my mind slowly starting to drain.
absurd that this class is required.
it really is quite a pain.

my work i've already accomplished,
my assignments already turned in,
i pause to think, my stomache it sinks
my brain goes into a spin

for what if we all lived flatly,
with second dimentional math?
would pyhsics in paper be altered,
reactions take a strange path?

why are our brains such dull colors?
do choking smurfs really turn blue?
what angle'd it take and what change in the sky
to make it an irridecent hue?

my brain with questions is swirling
my sweater, it keeps me warm.
though scratchy it's soft,
i have a slight cough
and now my poem i'm ending.


Mavis Fausker said...

Good jorb.

miss terri said...

thanks! i was soooo bored, my brain was leaking out my ears and onto the keyboard.

Lindsey said...

Hmm. "Rant" poems are interesting.