Monday, November 14, 2005

when in doubt, the answer is 7

i'm cuurently occupying myself with my favorite pastime! that's right, you guessed it! avoiding my homework! not just that, it's my english homework. which is actually pretty pathetic since the assignment is just to read a story and answer some questions. but it's the thought that counts.
previous to blogging i was playing with a magic marker. guess what! now it says that i was made in china on my foot. and it's been decided that the only way that i'm going to get married is if i wear 6 inch heals and wear a tiara with lots of curls to make my hair big. yeah, maybe it's best that i'm not working with sharp objects.
*sigh* i wish that it was wednesday; things are better on wednesdays.


Alexander said...

Are you kidding me? Life is the pits on Wednesdays. That's my least favorite day of the week.

I once noticed that the only thing I've ever seen or owned that wasn't made in China is my guitar. It was made in Indonesia.

Lindsey said...

My sister was once shocked to find that our toothpaste was made in the U.S.

miss terri said...

i like it because i have a brother for a day on wednesday. and it's the middle of the week, so i know that after that night i don't have to do intense homework because i can finish on saturday. and i have young women.

Mavis Fausker said...

Wednesday is usually evil in the pool. And it was, oh it was. Grrrr. I could have killed the assistant coach, not to mention a certain teamate that was driving me insane.

Kyra said...

what's nano??? (you posted it on my blog and I'm confused) :)

miss terri said...

november is national novel month. the goal is to write 100,000 words of a novel (i think that that's it.). some people i know are going for it. it's a neat goal, but you want to have a good plot all lined out Before november first

Illyz said...

it's 50,000 i believe, Mavis is doing 25,000? or at least half. Very good idea to have a plot, huh amaya? I like wednesdays too, Marcus. i have clothes that were made in many countries, go look at your tags, Marcus.

Lindsey said...

Hmm, yes. Plots.