Wednesday, May 10, 2006

it's over. the mind bending, tormenting, wrenching, ruthless subject has finally turned tail. the door is closed ad i need not take the torture further. no more nightmares, not more sick correlations, and no more Study sessions at the library. no more C-notes, NO MORE! i think that i might have popped if it had gone on much longer. i was compulsively buying goldfish by the end. and twitching.
i don't even have to think about i for three months! saints be pwaised! really though, i'm glad that i did it. i survived, with all my limbs and most of my brain cells. i had so much help. i love my family, my amigos, my teachers, my neighbors, and my Father. i'm very blessed.
it's over though. completely. no more pressure. i don't know what to do with all the oxygen to my brain. it might combust. what do i do? Hahaha! i don't even care! i'm gonna clean my room, and make donuts, and play frisbee and kickball, hang out with my fish, and sleep and read and play with my family. and maybe do some hard core dating.

i think i should do a creative post soon. i miss being a bluebird.


Mavis Fausker said...

I love the feeling. Me and the greyhound felt the full impact of today when water polo practice officially ended (the official end is far from the actual end). We both looked at each other and whispered, "We don't have to leave. We don't have to hurry home. We have NOTHING TO DO." It was a good realization.

Today, I've chilled with my little bros and I've written more in this one afternoon than I have in the past month...or two.

nicole said...

HELLO? I need to talk to you!!!!!

miss terri said...

i love it.

Alexander said...

After you do some hardcore dating...oh baby, you should go to DISNEYLAND!!!!!

Just kidding...

Noelle said...

sweet. beans. I love the sweet feeling of relief. Someday we're going to meet, hahaha

miss terri said...

i'm excited! ah! i watched that movie over the weekend! best ever! hehehe