Monday, May 15, 2006

tahitian penguino

it's a strange picture, and yet, it fits. hehehe
the bluebird and the jacana ruffled thair feathers in amusement as they sheepishly flew (yes, sheeps fly) out of the canopy of words. it was easy to get lost in the carnival of color and light. a type of finch had kindly shoed them out; the light had faded and the two hadn't even noticed. such was the entrancing display.
they separated and once more the bluebird was alone with her feathers. it wasn't long however, before the penguin waddled up, also looking rather sheep-like. a remarkable thing, sheep. they're so popular, they often are immitated. but back to the sheep-LIKE penguin. with an impending migration closing in, the bluebird heard his familiar chirp all the more often. she could sense a fear in him and was not sure how to ease it. it made her troubled her, but all she could do was frivolous.

1 comment:

Mavis Fausker said...

Sometimes frivolity does the most good.

"A little nonesense now and then
Is relished by the best of men"