Wednesday, May 24, 2006


i don't really know how to explain myself. it's all first draft, so don't rip it to pieces, ya? (good thing that maya is in egypt, no?) the different fonts are different poems, though they all kind of are similar...except the onion patch. that was just because...i planted onions in my mom's flower garden (nancy told her! curses!). yeah, so uh. good thing i'm a junior. ...k bye.
it's definitely summer. :D

standing on the eDGe
don't fall in
Hold back
Swing Low

a Light at your feet
don't be afraid
Step Forward
Swing Low

held within a Moment
caught along Eternity
and Forever
Swing Low

Stand Up Straight
don't look Down
look Within You.
what's around
is less important now

position Changes,
I do not
Time just

so UnFulFilled
my Potential faded
childish frivolity
simplicity Wasted

Stand up Straight
don't look Down
look Within You.
what's around
is less important now

yet again it's the end of the year
yes, filled with joy, but also fear.
i want to to jump forward, i long to hold back
chock full of knowledge, so much that i lack
past, present, future, mix and blend
reworking the clock, so thoughtlessly spent
back and forward,
swinging low

onions in a flower patch
i planted yesterday
the blossoms they are sure to match
in a Different sort of way.

until the small things germinate
i hope they aren't discovered
for i seeded them a little late
without permission from my mother.

plainly planted, yet well hidden,
my little garden patch
though socially Forbidden
to it
i've grown


Mavis Fausker said...

Your capitalization is even more random than that of E.E. Cummings.

I like the way you ended the onion patch.

Wow, if the end of junior year gives you such a literarily prolific spurt, I can't imagine what next year will bring.

miss terri said...

patch is a hard word with which to rhyme. i decided that i really like asonance (how in the boonies do you spell that?). i worked on it during photo. i like that that class is not hard on the grey (or neon orange!) matter.
i like my use of capitals! it's not random at all! the peoms are much different without the capitalization. you're just jealous. :P
i've had all these words itching at the back of my eyeballs for a little while now. i was thinking about going through some more writing exersizes, but the pen got to me before i thought about bringing it up.
i love summer!
i like your poetry, what i've read of it.

collinhead said...

i like your poetry.. waht i've read of it. are those capitalizations like subliminal messages or something?
sometimes i feel like the onions in the flower patch..

Mavis Fausker said...

Hah, bluebird! I totally predicted how the flower patch could be a metaphor. Two points for me!

miss terri said...

heck yes! good jorb!
subliminal messages? what do You think that they would be saying?

collinhead said...

I'm not quite sure what they would be saying, i'm still trying to figure it out. at first i was trying to spell words with them but what in the world does dghsl lsfsl menfsl mean? exactly. i guess its a little deeper than that. i think i kind of understand.

miss terri said...

don't dig TOO deep.

Mavis Fausker said...

It is, after all, the end of the school year. How deep can anyone's thoughts go?

collinhead said...

well they may not have deep thought behind them, but deep thought can go into them. For all i know your shift key is broken.

miss terri said...

i'll key your shift. i like putting deep meaning into things.