Tuesday, June 06, 2006

common? sense

i always find myself reminded of the classic quote about how common sense is not common. i should not expect it to be so. i do realize that i was raised somewhat abnormally - the youngest girl in a family with five boys and a Tomboy mom, i often have boyish tinges to my personality and views. not only this, but my parents are both avid readers and classic nerds (they met in a math class). regardless of this however, a person should be able to use a knife somewhat properly. it is not a toy, but neither will it bite you if you are careful. i saw both of these ends today, and they both Frustrate me. the former more, because it's sheer Stupidity and more. Not Happy.
this was before we even got to the fire-building. why do these girls know next to nothing? my brothers and i were always building fire in our backyards. i Know that they have moms and dads. why don't they know basic skills? it was all i could do not to just build the fire myself. I'm not the one who needs to certify. beyond that, Don't wave a hot match around. though not as bad as playing with knives, a hot matchhead Can and Will burn things. like fingers.
k, i'm off. ciao y'all.


collinhead said...

anyone can start a fire when gasoline is involved. but somehow girls don't have the same fascination with burning/destroying things that boys do, so their hidden fire talents are often hidden. but still.
my old computer knows how to start a fire, decided to right in my living room one day. um, yeah i'll stop talking now. its been a long day.

rauf said...

Miss Terri,
quite true, very uncommon common sense is.
I would trade all the wisdom in the world for a little bit of common sense.

In India, women are always under protection. Fire is Ok with them but they are not taught the art of self defence.
Things are changing now though only in the cities.

miss terri said...

my hidden talents were lured out by boyscouts. my mom taught for a long time.
it's sad that women are not taught to defend themselves. it's an important thing to know.

mystery man12 said...

most girls like to keep clean so any thing to do with dirt like being in the wilderness they hate beacue they get dirty. so they get anory and refuse to do any thing and be spoiled.

Mavis Fausker said...

Fire rocks. Gasoline is good too, but not as satisfying as a well cared for, Bob-chanted fire birthed from dry pine needles and fed by the gathered fruits of one's labors. But keep plastic out of the pretty fire! It makes it smelly.

miss terri said...

you're back! oh yay! it's true. praise bob! i'm definitely going to teach these little ones proper camp firebuilding. don't burn styrofoam either. or some other stuff.

Mavis Fausker said...

Yesterday my ward realized that they no longer have a pyro to build their fires, or keep ickiness out of them. Maybe I'll have to train an apprentice. Hmmm, Morgan le Fay might be up to the challenge.

miss terri said...

i think that my mom is going to be the pyro of our ward this year. yep. she's coming to camp. i think i'll be okay with it now, though.

Mavis Fausker said...

I loved when my mom came to camp. Of course, she was the one bringing the survival knife and coolio whetstone, but that's really beside the point.

miss terri said...

i was kind of a funny kid when my mom came to camp last.
it makes me crazy to know how lazy people are. granted, if i blew a tire, i would call my dad, but that's because i lack the physical strength to change a tire. i know how, i just Can't. i try to fix things. i can build a fire too.