Sunday, June 25, 2006

cut your hair - pavement

i confess, i Love getting my hair cut. having other people play with my hair is great. along with that, manicures, pedicures, facials and all relating procedures are equally fabulous. i guess i don't seem like the type, but that seems to surprise a lot of people (except mavis, who is shaking her head, laughing, and calling me weird).
i got my hair cut yesterday. nothing drastic, just a two-inch trim and retouch of all my layers. the salon is such a funny place. i love all of the different kinds of people, and the reasons for being there. And i Love the reactions of the stylists when they realize what they are dealing with. namely, the raging mass that is my beautiful brunette hair. those reactions are priceless, and will forever remain in my self-amusement section of memories. haha...
plus, after i get my haircut, i get to go on my traditional mini shopping spree. actually it's more like i get to wander around and freely spend five to ten dollars on whatever i want. it makes me happy and i get to show off my new do. which i got a few compimentary looks on by the way.


Mavis Fausker said...

You know me oh so well. I'm getting my hair trimmed again this week. Bangs are a pain.

miss terri said...

i think that the same could be said of you. i believe you. i had them only for a short while.

collinhead said...

mmmmm i wanna see..

lol, 5 dollar shopping spree.. made me laugh.