Wednesday, June 14, 2006

spilled milk over the bridge

i have a lot on my mind, but a short circuit between my brain and my tongue. i can't think of how to say anything. it's a good thing that it's summer. that way i can be unexpressive without rising questions. plus, i have work today, so i have an excuse to be non-sensically happy. it's what i'm payed to do. it's literally one of the reasons that i was hired. i'm excited. people here are a lot happier than the ones at the grease pit. even though i like the grease pit, i like working around people who don't hate their jobs. i'm glad i worked there though. i've not had formal training and it's looking like i'm not really going to get any. yesterday right after the boss left, the place Exploded! we were running out of everything and were getting close to the end to the other two workers' shifts. luckily, they didn't abandon me, even when their replacement didn't show up. jeremy drove from near heber to cover and save my skin. speaking of which, i have to go to work now. ta!


Mavis Fausker said...

I'm glad you like this job better than the grease pit.

But the telling question is this: Do you get free food?

miss terri said...

hahaha! well, i get a discount, whuch is nice. and the other day we made a mistake that didn't sell in ten minutes. as i was going home and it was on it's way to the trash, i, uh, helped it on it's way. the problem is, i like this food way better than the other food, and so i'll have to be more careful. curses!