Saturday, July 29, 2006

i do too!

there's a song by randy newman called "short people". as i puttered around work today i had to use a stool to get several items that i needed, and i found myself asking for help to lift garbage out of Tall recepticals. seeing as many of my coworkers at least a good seven inches over me, mr. newman's song seemed especially appropriate. too bad the chorus goes "short people got no reason to live." it's not my fault. i blame my dad.

Friday, July 21, 2006


the bluebird heard a faint rustling below her and scanned the ground quickly to discover the source. it was the kangaroo rat, though he was hidden in a bush so she couldn't dicern the rodent. she happily chirp a greeting and delved into a conversation until she was brimming with envy. he had once again proved his amazing intellect and natural skill in any subject, despite his apathy. the bird would have pursued her jealous course had the rat not off-handedly mentioned that he would not return to the stone jungle when the leaves changed.
the bird was soon no longer jealous in any way of her friend. inside the bush, she had not known he was hairless and worn. not having seen or heard of him while flying in the sun, he was confined to the quiet dark. she wished she could do more for him, stem the fear or lighten him to his More usual carefree state, but she knew not how. as he slipped into his burrow, the bluebird gave a slight flutter. he was one to admire.

Saturday, July 15, 2006


ah ha! i understand now!
so, there goes an old english saying that says something to the effect that by working, a guy is bringing home the bacon, yeah? there's also a saying that speaks of saving somebody's bacon; by doing so, in correlation to the former, one could infer that by saving somebody's bacon one is saving the livelyhood and all things affixed thereof of the person whose bacon is salvaged.
see? and i always thought that saving somebody's bacon was in reference to the victim's hindquarters that may have been fried.
i love english.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

poor unfortunate souls

now that you're all imagining scenes from the little mermaid, i will turn your attention to a completely different, unrelated subject...
you know that you did some serious damage when you're friend's Companions write to you. or maybe it's just that the penguin is a rather odd bird, and i just happen to be the flavor of the month. either way, i recieved four letters from some rather distressed missionaries asking me to give word to their disfunctional compadre. no, "asking" is far to mild a word, "begging" does the sentiment more justice. to use the words of one elder v, "send a letter, a smoke signal, tap out some morse code, write a scroll and send it to our window via homing pigeon, hire a skywriter...".
well, i had actually sent a letter that very morning before i recieved the message. in it were several plant photos, and one of me, along with a rather grafitti-ed envelope. i was set for quite a while. what more could i do? if they only knew.
with the help of My compadre, a loving reply no lies in wait for the currently slumbering missionaries. just imagine: hot pink paper, blue and black galaxy markers, a penguin being eaten by a seal, ambiguous poultry, and an anthropomorphized ceiling fan. definitely a lot of love there. hahaha, i love summer! i'm such a nerd.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

out to pasture

i'm back Again! and i had an amazing week. it gave me so much to think about and i'm overwhelmed with the power of everything that i learned and felt.
it was funny, i live so close to where i went to efy and have spent so much time around campus that i kept thinking that i had to be home by curfew and that should either call or start home because i had chores to do. sleeping in dorms was weird when i was not far from home. especially when the girl in the next room over was from florida.
i wish that i knew better how to explain all that happened. but you'd have to have been in the classes with me and gone to the devotionals, talked, played, and worked with everyone that i did to know. Truth is the coolest thing. i love it when people speek truth. there is a lot of Power and Energy in the truth. It's True. i have a knowledge and conviction. i suppose you could say that i've been re-converted. but i'll come back to that later. on to a lighter note.
yes, i did go COW Tipping. i admit that i am somewhat of a tipper at times. this expeience was interesting in that i did not tip for the one that i first thought that i would. though very attractive in the packaging, i was not all that impressed with the filling. his friend i think i could have tipped for had the water been a little warmer. later i thought that i was only going to have aq little COW, more of a calf really, as he was a counselor (he's swing danced with me! it was super fun!). but it so happened that there was a chap who...possessed several qualities that i systematically added to my "dating file". good conversationalist, willing learner, kind, fun, chivalrious, musically inclined in multiple facets, and nicely mixed together. the austrailian accent was a bonus, even though it was fake. heeheehee. kiwis and daisies. yeah, i'm Kinda hopeless. anyway...
it was even good when i got home! so much stuff happened while i was gone. AP and ACT results, letters, college stuff from my favorite choice, my plants Grew, "musical miss terri", free money, and kiwis four for a dollar at harmons! mangos are Yummy!
umm...Gospel's TRUE! Heavenly Father Loves Each of His Children, Be Good, the Church is Awesome! =D

Saturday, July 01, 2006

i can see my arms again!

tired. but i'm Home. and with my Brothers. as fun as girls are, i'm so happy that camp is only five days long. otherwise somebody'd be Dead. and i would be disappointed with myself. i hate when that happens.
there are a lot of stories that would take a lot of time and space to share, so if you Really want to know about the bat, the biffy, the birthday braces, knives, and sarcastic truth, you can specify and i'll tell you later. suffice to say, girls Can be nice (though one was not for too long to the wrong people...), are definitely Weird, and sharing a cabin with them is Obnoxious. that poor thing. i love my brothers, my nephew, my sister and my parents. boys are Great. yep yep.
Gospel's True! I'm trying Hard!