Saturday, July 01, 2006

i can see my arms again!

tired. but i'm Home. and with my Brothers. as fun as girls are, i'm so happy that camp is only five days long. otherwise somebody'd be Dead. and i would be disappointed with myself. i hate when that happens.
there are a lot of stories that would take a lot of time and space to share, so if you Really want to know about the bat, the biffy, the birthday braces, knives, and sarcastic truth, you can specify and i'll tell you later. suffice to say, girls Can be nice (though one was not for too long to the wrong people...), are definitely Weird, and sharing a cabin with them is Obnoxious. that poor thing. i love my brothers, my nephew, my sister and my parents. boys are Great. yep yep.
Gospel's True! I'm trying Hard!


Mavis Fausker said...

I'm glad you had fun. I missed you.

rauf said...

Things pass Miss Terri, every day is different, sometimes we have to make an effort to make it different, otherwise we would die of monotony and routine.
Been away for sometime Miss Terri, traveling and on treks. Just got back home.

miss terri said...

i missed you too. i'll make it up to you.
i was glad for the change. but i'm glad that i have the family that i do. are you glad to be back rauf? i want to see your pictures from your travels.

wfTitus said...

Hmm... these sound like VERY intreaging stories, why don't you post one a day, until there all on!

!!!Welcome Back!!!

Miru said...

mmm hmm

rauf said...

Yes Miss Terri Always glad to be back home, even if it happens to be a tin shed in a desert, and you go on a holiday to paradise, its always good to be back home

Happy 4th of July, enjoy the holiday and the fireworks

collinhead said...

biffy.. lol. sick. not much of a "bathroom" if you ask me.

Mavis Fausker said...

Bathroon In [the] Forest For You. It's name implies that it is a bathroom, Collinboy.

collinhead said...

well i know, but calling it a bathroom doesn't make it any more than a crap hole.

collinhead said...

i mean.. less of a crap hole.

miss terri said...

they're not that bad. i'm sure that they're better than many bathrooms that boy scouts have to use at camp. i don't mind the biffy.

collinhead said...

well if you don't mind them then ours must be way different.. I can't think of a single girl i know that would go within 30 feet of one of those...