Saturday, July 15, 2006


ah ha! i understand now!
so, there goes an old english saying that says something to the effect that by working, a guy is bringing home the bacon, yeah? there's also a saying that speaks of saving somebody's bacon; by doing so, in correlation to the former, one could infer that by saving somebody's bacon one is saving the livelyhood and all things affixed thereof of the person whose bacon is salvaged.
see? and i always thought that saving somebody's bacon was in reference to the victim's hindquarters that may have been fried.
i love english.


Mavis Fausker said...

English es el mejor!


wfTitus said...

I'm SOOOOOOO confused

Mavis Fausker said...

Don't try to understand. It's easier that way.

miss terri said...

it's okay, i think that i confused tanner too. or just weirded him out. either way...
it makes sense! i understand! i think that he just hasn't been arund enough to get it, and it might just be all too much at once. sorry about that.

collinhead said...

i think you're BSing and it really means nothing. like how i could say..

The beta decay of centripetal acceleration completely offsets the action sequence of said acceleration. Many scientists agree that inverse beta decay is a secular parallax in conjunction with the nebular model of acceleration, centripetal or otherwise, but they're not.. sure.

Um, yeah, that quite possibly may be complete crap. but i'm not sure. it may also be.. a new theory. of course you do use better actual english than random smart sounding words arranged almost into a sentance..

Mavis Fausker said...

Oh boy, you sprung this on Tanner? That boy is [doom]ed.

miss terri said...

i really didn't mean to be confusing. it makes sense to me.
yeah, poor boy. he weas the only person on the net and i was doing several different things at once. he ended up as the billboard.

Mavis Fausker said...

Speaking of which, I should get a corkboard to do outlines on. I think that would be better than my current arrow method. There's no means for correction.

miss terri said...

good idea, i got the paper towels.

Mavis Fausker said...

We're totally set.

miss terri said...

sweet. i think i would be...a corkboard.

BionicBuddha said...

I like bacon...I just thought if you saved someone's just meant you were putting it in the refrigerator to prevent the salmonella from ruining it.

miss terri said...

i don't think that salmonella grows in bacon. e-coli is the beef bacteria, i think.
mmmmmm bacon.