Monday, August 07, 2006

bork! bork! bork!

technically, i'm not supposed to be writing until school starts, but i had a funny thought to share and since i'm still somewhat intelligable and i've not read at all today, i think that i can sneek away with this.
so, in 2 nephi 28 i was reading merrily along when i ran into some rather interesting vocab: ripe, shaken, stirred up...and i started to think, "this sounds a little like it could be a cooking show!" which puts a whole new perspective on the Book of Mormon. yes, gospel cooking with the prophets, now airing on tuesdays and thursdays at 7/6 central and pacific. put an apron on nephi, add a hat and oven mitts, mormon and moroni sitting in the audience and martha stewart can kiss her kitchen goodbye. mmmm, a big bowl of lamanites, anyone?
hahaha, time to script!
(it probably doesn't help that i watched an hour straight of swedish chef clips.)


collinhead said...

lol, that actually made me laugh out loud.. :P quietly, but still. :D

Mavis Fausker said...

I'll let this pass...but only because it was so funny.

miss terri said...

well, if the women don't find you handsome...

collinhead said...

at least they can find me heavy.

miss terri said...

something like that.

collinhead said...

i mean handy.

miss terri said...

it's good show. at least, what i remember. i just liked them make a washing machine into a bread maker.