Monday, September 11, 2006

hUrry UP!

i hate waiting. i'm so antsy at the moment that i can't even stand myself, and it's getting worse as the minutes tick by. it's cOminG! i can fEEl it. and yes, i admit, that even now i still get excIted, and count down. it's so close, and i Know! i rarely ever Know, but this time i do, and i can't sit still. but when does the knowing become a solid thing to hold and love within my little hands? i'm going CrAzy. i should go run. no greens for me.
and it's less than a week away! and CHRISTMAS!


collinhead said...

pretty sure christmas isn't for a while. good luck on that though.

Mavis Fausker said...

Her birthday is next week, and she knows what she's getting. It's pretty funny to watch her twitch.

And I agree, Terri. None of them green thingamajigs for you. Your limit has temporarily been lowered until the actual special occasion. Remember, I'll be available for designated driving.

miss terri said...

it's not funny, it makes me crazy! i want to get on home today.

Mavis Fausker said...

It's almost as funny as watching the swallow and her Twixes.