Friday, September 29, 2006

in the eye

i didn't have to go to school today. i did anyway and it was rather pointless. while the sophomores and juniors take their state tests, the seniors had two options: stay home and sleep till ten to be at school at ten-thirty, or take a practice act test. i'm always killed for time and really, i can use any help i can get, so i was up at seven ten as usual. but it was still hard for me to actually put forth effort in getting ready, plus i've neglected my laundry, and in the end i was taking the test clad in baggy sweats and the first t-shirt i saw, my hair pulled back without a mirror. which is why i was so stunningly beautiful that three people commented on it.
my favorite incident was as i was walking out of the lunchroom. naturally, having just bought my lunch, i haphazardly bore it in all hands and pockets, eating it as i walked. i'd just taken a rather large bite of hawaiian pizza when i heard my name being called. i turned around, cheese, sauce and pepperoni dripping down my chin, to see a girl from my fashion class. "terri, you're beautiful!" she said, and gestured to the girl who sat next to her. "isn't she beautiful? just, oh, wow."
yeah, okay. i thanked her around my food and continued walking, worried about her grade in class. when the same thing happened from two other people though, i got the hint. i really need to do my laundry. i should probably take more than ten minutes to get ready for school too. after all, one can't be beautiful all the time.


Mavis Fausker said...

I don't think the last line supports your thesis. :D

miss terri said...

meh, i liked it anyway. i decxided that i didn't care.

Mavis Fausker said...

Tsk, tsk. Ignoring Downs's teachings already?

miss terri said...

nope. just freewriting. :P

collinhead said...

hmm, can't quite tell if they're being sarcastic or not, so lets pretend that i know what i'm talking about for a sec:

don't you just love when you're scared that you look terrible, or "know" that you look like a pile of poo its when other people think the opposite? i have done that before, just not got ready at all (i know its different for a guy, but still.) and thats the same day that many girls seem to comment on how good i look. maybe i'm oblivious to peoples' sarcasm, or maybe beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.. ok i'll stop the insanity, the rambling, the.. insanity.

but you always look cute to me :)

miss terri said...

either way..
thanks. i don't think that i'll dress up "al pasta" as often though.