there are things in life that one just wants to bottle. i think that this has been a common sentiment for quite some time. it has provoked countless works of art, including paintings, poems, books, perfumes, and photographs. i too have sought to capture a feeling, an idea, a thought, or just a moment in general.

for example, i have always loved the fall leaves. even with the knowledge that the winter is oncoming and soon steal my summer sun from me, i cannot help but admire the brilliance that adorns the mountains and creeps across the valley as a sheer wave of color.

as we went up the canyon between sessions of conference yesterday, i collected a couple of leaves to press. when i got home and went to put them in the dictionary (under 'l' for leaves) i found several already in there. they were forgotten, faded, and brittle, just like the moment that i'd tried to save with them. still, i put the new leaves in and tried again. we'll see what happens.

i also put my camera to use in an effort to retain what comes each fall. noted, it can't really be done, but i tried, and i came up with some that i like.

man, if man is God's greatest glory, we must be pretty darn amazing.
I echo your sentiments. But I do it with words. It's been awhile since I described autumn though. Son of Sferesh, chapter 22, page 196. "The weather reluctantly cleared during the next few days, leaving the crisp deadness of autumn. The road was aflame with the fallen embers of swaying aspen torches, and the sweet smell of dying leaves overtook that of the rain."
i like it. you describe things with a flare. i love autumn.
i wish that i didn't have black and white due this week instead.
p.s. - i am having issues with this "turn in 5 BLACK AND WHITES at the end o0f the week" thing. i need to shoot somebody.
Then do it. People look so cool in black and white.
i'm tryin'!
Ah terri, I love your pictures. Even though i already told you this.. They just make me happy. Oh and did any of those pics you took today work for your little assignment? Well hope it all works out for ya. :D
I really like that last part too- "man, if man is God's greatest glory, we must be pretty darn amazing" it just makes me think.. because all that stuff is pretty dang amazin too. maybe i'm important or something. :D
i'm hoping that they will i just can't decide what ones to use.
i think so too.
thank you very much.
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