can you tell that i've been using my digital camera? and that i have an assignment due friday, but that's no as much of the point. pretty much, my camera is my favorite toy ever and i've been pixel-happy for the last couple weeks.

anyway, i went deep into enemy territory today for the sake of scholastics. i thought about bringing the barbi doll, but i didn't have one. it was fun though. confusing, but fun. i shot over 100 pictures i'm down to 12, including duplicates. i'm not sure if that's sad or not. *shrug* either way...

now comes the trouble of deciding which two make the cut. i hate this part. i can change them, but what's the general census? i like the money one a lot, but what about between the eye or trombone? i just don't know.

anyway, that's about it. i have not more to say and i really need to return a story to someone so he can revise it for class tomorrow. i should probably do mine too.
oh! and this last one is just for mavis.

grr. they canceled frisbee this week. now i'm going to be slow and fat sin pe credit. math you!
Lol, I gotta say I like the eye and the trombone ones.. :D I like how they turned out. And I really like the dollar one too, I was afraid it would look fake because of the wetness factor, but it looks great in B&W. thumbs up! *Rave Reviews*
Well, you know my votes: money and water. However, the water one is more of an obsession-like thing, so in terms of art and whatnot, I'd go with the trombone.
thanks guys. i like them all.
i think i'll take 'em in and ask my teacher. i like that aspect of artistic classes - the teacher advises you on all the way through, giving the grader's opinion in advance.
hehe.. I like the eye.
final tally from the T: the bill and the eye. i'm excited, though, now that i think about it, my photo style is Very different from the other advanced students' that i've seen.
Hey, when it comes to art, it's good to be different.
well hey they were awesome and....is that collin on the trombone or is it just someone that looks like him...?
either or.
i guess that there's not a lot i can do about being different anyway. i can't rewire my psychotic self now, especially with all those terrible childhood memories that are turning me into a serial killer. oldest and single children are weird. they just don't understand. weirdos.
Hey, I know--well, I guess it's a hope--that I'm not psychologically scarring my siblings. I'm building character. They cured you of monster fear. It's all good.
yeah, it's what i figure.
yup. it's collin. along wit da eye
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