Saturday, December 09, 2006

ACT now!

it's such a good feeling to walk away from a test and know that you will never have to sit through it again. that feeling is added to when, for the first time, you actually finish the whole test. i rarely even did that in the practice exams. whatever has happened the last two weeks, i'm glad for it. mostly though, i'm excited that there is less than two weeks left of school. i'm weary of school. it's beginning to interfere with my education.


Mavis Fausker said...

School is totally interfering with my education! And with my cultural development! And with Ben's internal development. And with a lot of other things too.

collinhead said...

and someone stabbed me at school and i lost a pint of blood. i don't feel that great about it. it's really interfering with my development in lots of ways.

miss terri said...

hmmm, was the stabbing voluntary? that is hard. i remember not liking it. it was one of the many times that i wanted my daddy to be at school and hold my hand.

Mavis Fausker said...

I never get around to gettting stabbed like that. I'm too worn out anyway to recreate a pint of blood. But good for you, Collin. :)