Tuesday, December 12, 2006


i love going up to temple square in the winter. the lights are beautiful, and the atmosphere is very Christmas-y. for mutual today we went to the legacy theatre for the Joseph Smith movie, then saw the lights and had hot chocolate in the parking lot. i enjoyed myself, despite the long car ride with hyper 12 year old girls. it was really hard to focus my camera with no light, but i got a few shots that i liked. we'll see how they turn out on the screen.

the first is the classic temple shot. yes, i am a sucker for the Christmas tree lights and the lit-up temple. i wish that i'd been able to be more in the center, but we can't always have everything our way can we? life is not mcdonald's (ironic how you never really get what you want at those places, huh? they just listen half-way, shove what they think you want in a bag and send you on your way. another 'satisfied' customer.).
the second is a different perspective on the classic shot of Moroni. i was looking through the window of the theatre before we went into the movie. good stuff.

i like this one a lot. you can't see it, but the nativity is right under the tree.i took a ton more, but i didn't like any of them. really, i failed on my assignment (taking group pictures), because people move too fast for any kind of good shot in the dark. the light would go weird or the thing would be completely blurry. i was not pleased. what am i going to do? go to the super-market and corner some innocent little family. bleh.


collinhead said...

well, i'm a satisfied reader. i like the circle window around the moroni, right on :) little blurry when they're full size but they're still good. i agree though, i don't see many groups of people.. and by the way, it's against the rules to take pictures in almost any store so i'd be careful with the cornering an innocent family idea :P

Mavis Fausker said...

I'm glad you got the shot through the window. The last time my ward went up there, me and that other girl who shares my name were dying over the composition, but neither of us had a camera. It's purdy.

Yeah, stores don't like cameras. Or video cameras. Luckily, the last time I used a video camera in a store, my group beat the other group to the Smith's scavenger hunt item. THEY got in trouble. Heh, heh.

miss terri said...

yeah, i was thinking in the halls and food court, but thanks for the heads up.
thanks guys!