Thursday, January 25, 2007


art classes are a funny thing. by nature, art is very personal. yet, it is meant to be shared. i think that it is the concentration of the individuality in a classroom that is so interesting. the students that are so self-contained in other classes are exposed through their artwork. they can't not be. it's interesting to see who these people i have known for so long really are. is it as much of a surprise for them to see me?

i love the piano. i know some people who are amazing with their hands on the ivory. i wish that i could play.

i live in the best place. i am incredibly lucky. it astounds me to know what that piece of cloth means to me. i could not say enough for it, flawed though it may be. i love the promised land.

it's still trying to follow the sun. as much as they try though, sunflowers have down-time too. i suppose that it's best that way, though it does not always make me happy. there is a purpose to it, i am sure, and the time for sun will return soon. i like the broken trampoline in the background. it adds a nice touch.

night falling. why does the night fall? where does that expression come from? that's a discussion to be elaborated on later,i think. for now, those mountains are beautiful, and as much a part of "home" to me as walls and a roof.

a warm home in winter. i think that people living in warmer climates would have a harder time understanding that sentiment. i love having a warm home, water, clothes, bed, and machines that heat things. plus, within all that, is my family, which is really what home is.


Mavis Fausker said...

Art is indeed very personal. Though, I just say, my typical form of art is juch easier to criticize that yours. Stands to reason that mine's easier to change.

I like 'em. Most 'specially the homey one.

miss terri said...

thank you! actually, though with photo shop, editing mine may be easier than yours. which one would be good to print out for class? i need to choose a fav. the mailbox one is included.

Mavis Fausker said...

Not for me. Photoshop is not one of my biggest fans.

Anyway, if you could lighten up the one of home a little, I'd say that one. The piano is always cool, but then, EVERYONE has done it (even me, photographer not-so-extraordinaire).

miss terri said...

i'll work on it a little. i'm no big wiz, but i know one or two simple editing things that will work on a good day: levels and the crop tool! we'll see what costco can do with it.