Wednesday, January 10, 2007


it's late and i haven't re-written my essay for school. instead i watched a video with my sister. well, the last half of it. it was very interesting. it was a hindi movie by bollywood. there was a heavy american influence in what they did, even though some of it didn't make any sense. most of it was syntax or other cultural nuances. like, when they would randomly burst out with "come on, charlie!" and continuity was shaky. i liked it though. it was a good movie. it made me think of rauf and his comintated pictures. it's a different life. i wish that i were more cultured.
hmmm, time for that essay.


Miru said...

I never told you because I forgot... but I thought I should probably let you know that I stole your identity for about a half an hour... a prank call on Eric so and so and I guess his friend Tyler.. they both go to Orem and we wanted them to believe that we were, too... so I used your name... hope that doesn't bother you, thanks though! lol

miss terri said...

hmmm, might be nice if you didn't run around using my name. i'd appreciate being asked. thanks for letting me know though.

Miru said...

it was just a one time thing, only lasted about 20 minutes as a matter of fact