Friday, March 16, 2007

stuck in the middle?

i occasionally find myself in a rather humorous position. to explain what i mean, allow me to expound on my current situation:
person a (female) and person c (also female) are good friends, as well as both being friends of mine. they consort one with another and decide that they would like to go to prom. to do this, they will find each other dates, (only one per customer per visit, you know) and go in a group. person a discuses their plan with me one day, and later that same day rushes up to me in the hallway, red-faced and looking like she could make good use of an inhaler. she asks me to ask another friend of mine, b (male), if he would kindly take c to prom. she's slightly intimidated. well, i suggest the idea, which takes hold in his chivalrous mind, and he agrees. in the meantime, a tells c that she's found her a date, and c, as most girls do, goes crazy with anticipation. she does not know yet that i am involved on other end, but i have a class with her, and hear her entire perspective as she relates it to another girl...for two hours. it's really hard to hold in laughter for two hours, by the way.
anyway, b shows up on my porch a few days later, looking for help in asking c. somehow i turn into the orchestrator, and watch the asking unfold from the driver's seat of the car.
next day, and for subsequent days after, i hear a talking to c with c, all giggly and telling the girl version of the story. tonight i watched the two girls plan out how to answer, suggested ideas, and nearly went along for the ride, except that it was late and i want to sleep so that i can do nothing tomorrow--i need to be well-rested.
the funny thing is, i've found myself in this place before. i still have no idea why.
do you ever feel sometimes that you really are watching a movie, only you get to throw in your two cents every once in a while? interactive tv? it's an odd sensation. i feel the compulsion to be a main character sometimes, but usually that goes away if i take a nap. it begs the question though: if i'm a side character, who's the protagonist? what's the real storyline? i think that i need to go rent rosincran and gildinstern are dead. but not right now. it's rather late.


Mavis Fausker said...

When you rent it, I want to watch it with you. ;)

So I'm guessing B was the wood duck. Do I know who A and C are?

collinhead said...

wow, that took me way too long to figure out what was going on. i need more sleep.

anyway, i feel like that sometimes, like i'm watching a movie. but lately it's been more by choice. being a main character in everything is stressful sometimes.

so a is anna, c is chelsie and b is wood duck. gotcha.

miss terri said...

something like that. maybe i'll rent it for the rainy day.