Saturday, September 08, 2007


i am giving a talk tomorrow at the local senior care center. i don't have a topic. my family suggested chastity.


Mavis Fausker said...

*much, much laughter*
*gasping for air*
*more laughter in large amounts*
*cough, cough*

Yes, well, maybe your family was inspired and your talk will be just what one of those people needs to hear. On the other hand, prayer is always good, or continuously cultivating faith.

collinhead said...

Wow, I laughed out loud. I wasn't sure whether or not I was allowed to laugh. Ahem. Anyway, Hmm.. Some others I thought of were Piercings and tattoos, dating and courtship and..... adversity. its getting late.

miss terri said...

dating and courtship would have been a winner. i ended up with symbolism in the scriptures.