Thursday, October 04, 2007

due to my dizzying intellect...

ever found yourself disoriented on your own front doorstep? awkward.
i had a date tonight. he's really tall, which is fine, i'm used to tall people, but as he walked me to my door a realized exactly how tall he was. normally, i don't hug people around the hips. especially on the first date. so i was going to just stand on the step for an extra half-foot, but i took a step and he took a step too. now what do i do? i take another step and he'll follow me again, stepping down won't help things at all, i'm still short, he's still tall...ummm...luckily in my confusion he took a step down again. i seized the moment and made my getaway. safe!


Mavis Fausker said...

Haha! That makes me laugh. And another date. Heehee.

miss terri said...

it was for relief society.
i was talking to my coworkers today and he walked in. i could see the forced straight faces.

collinhead said...

hahaha.. i don't think i've ever had that problem before.. :) just jump. or run, i guess. that must have been one tall tall man.

miss terri said...

it's true. do i run at him or away?

Mavis Fausker said...

[mystic voice]That, bluebird, is just a question you have to answer for yourself.[/mystic voice]