Thursday, October 18, 2007

all of the above?

the week has spawned some peculiar questions, and i really like getting answers. one funny thing though is that there are many people (okay, one in particular) who way over-analyze them. just say no. in any case, i'm still curious, and these tell more about you than most getting-to-know-you questions, so i'd appreciate answers to at least one of the following. bonus points if you make me laugh! also, feel free to ask any questions pressing on your mind (what do you do with a drunken sailor?).

-if you were in a commercial, what product would you endorse and why?
-what was your favorite halloween costume you've had? what are you planning on being for halloween?
-what's your favorite christmas treat or smell?
-what reminds you most of home, and what do you miss most (this is best for those still under their parents' roof)?
-describe one of your elementary school teachers and your perception of him/her.
-what age do you perceive yourself to be and why?
-tell me a story.
-pick a number between yes and purple


Mavis Fausker said...

- Ahem, as stated earlier today, Precision Pens, made by American Crafts, because they are by far the coolest pens I have ever used to edit (and/or mark other things) in my life.

- Favorite costume: My assassin's costume from two years ago. Sword included (not for school, sadly). I even got to wear a silver rose brooch, which just made it ten times cooler (because, y'know, there are three silver roses on the English coat of arms for my last name).

- What I will be this year: Well, over Thanksgiving break I'll dress up as a gypsy, but for Hallowe'en...I'm not sure yet. I might try to pull off a selkie (pretending my cloak is my seal skin), but I'll have to see what supplies I have readily available and how good I am at drawing on my own face. If all else fails, I'll dress up as a gypsy for Halloween too. It just won't be Hallowe'en. And it involves wearing a skirt.

- Christmas smell: gotta be the vanilla-scented candles. We burn them most often at Christmas.

- Home: Well, chlorine makes me feel at home. But, er, well, people being in "prime position" to get kicked in the butt, honestly. I keep wishing they were my little brother. And periodically I get urges to call people "booger" before remembering, just in time, that there are only five boogers in my life (including the dog). It's not a nickname that should leave the family.

- Mr. Salmon ws basically a goofball who managed to control the class anyway. He was awesome.

- I range frm 12-19, depending on the day and who I'm with.

- Today, I had to take my puppy to get her rabies shot. She doesn't like to sit on the table, so when we tried to set her down on the cold stainless steel, she leapt into my mom's arms and proceeded to climb onto her back/neck area. We had to pry her off, claws and all, then have both me and my mom hold her still for the actual shot.

- Potato.

I want you to answer them now.

miss terri said...

-i would have to endorse sewer systems. they're one of the best things in advanced society, and they get so little credit. or maybe cheese sticks.

-i've really liked my past three costumes: lamp, jester, and white trash. the jester was funnest in the anticipation, but the lamp has true latent genius. i'm not sure yet what i'm going to be for halloween. my sister wants me to be a person from oz, but i don't see any movement in that direction. i might be a spider.

-cinnamon-roasted almonds. i swear i walk past that booth in the mall every ten minutes when i'm Christmas shopping.

-having question and answer/discussion time with people. just sitting for the explicit purpose of conversation. it's just something that my family's always done, and i love when i find time and someone to talk to. it's home. i think that what i miss the most is people just walking into the house all the time. mostly my older brother and his wife.

-ms. crabtree was a lady from the south with a slight accent, and lots of personality. she set up a class government, sang with us all the time, and did some awesome science tricks. she got me into chemistry.

-it changes. 9, 14, 17, occasionally 19.

-my brother used to wear green shorts and sandals in the middle of winter. he'd giggle, make a fishface, and run in circles in the snow, trying to get us to do the same. i think that's why i liked neil the first time i met him.


collinhead said...

I would definitely endorse peanut butter. No brand name, just peanut butter in general. I just like peanut butter.

Well a few years ago I was "I'm thinkin Arby's".. I had a little foam thing on my head like the one on the commercial. (It was real, like actually from Arbys).. And everyone thought it was so ridiculously clever to ask me what I was thinking.

Mmmmm.. Sandwiches and egg nog.

I think the thing that reminds me most of home is looking around this room and thinking of my bedroom. This computer, this carpet, it's just like my room. If only I could walk the 6 feet across the floor to get there.. Someday.

My 6th grade teacher swore at us in German

I picture myself as being like 15. I have the same job I did when I was 15, I date about as many girls as I did when I was 15 (0) and I'm very mature for my age.

and for my last answer,

That fortune cookie was right!

I don't think any of that was even funny. I'm so tired but I can't sleep because I have so much caffeine in me.