Monday, October 22, 2007


my brother decided to go to a friend's fhe tonight, and took the car, so i couldn't go to my own fhe. it's fine, because i've just been doing homework, but my family has gotten progressively weirder as the night's gone on. they're decorating for halloween, in traditional family style, aka: dressing up stuffed animals to hang around the house. so far we have a flying, winged, devil-monkey; a bulldog dressed up as a bunny; and a skeleton with the face of strongsad. i'm not sure what to think yet, but i'm pretty sure it was a good idea on nathan's part to take his friend elsewhere instead of staying here as he originally thought.


Mavis Fausker said...

You should have come to my FHE. I haven't laughed so hard in a loooooong time. And I spewed water into the sink. And afterwards me and my roommate ended up kicking each other (by accident) and I then collapsed to the ground in a laughing fit and blocked the hall for a good five minutes before I managed to get up.

miss terri said...

sounds like it was a party. maybe i'll join you sometime. that'd be fun.

collinhead said...

I like the part with the strongsad skeleton.. haha.

Anonymous said...

You need to post pictures. And you didn't say anything about the B-Bear being tortured in the manacles. Or the bulldog/bunny's sword.

miss terri said...

i'll make sure to remedy that next time. i'm not sure that i want those pictures up. the description was enough to strike terror into my heart.