Friday, June 03, 2005


i'm sick of people. (please don't take offence, it's not any person in particular, just in general). one of the reasons that i was uber excited to get out of school was that i could get away from people till my brain started to rot, then call and play with them, however, my brain hasn't begun to decay as of yet and i can't go a full day just being at my home vegging. to explain: i'm on social overload and need some time where i can become utterly and completely bored so i feel like exerting myself once again. this helps me be amiable and keeps my charma in check. at the moment, people keep "planning" twattle because they think that they have to be connected 24/7 during summer. it's okay and good for you to go solo for a while. i promise. anyway; that's my soapbox for the week, but don't feel bad. to use a cliche, it's not you, it's me. i just need to be alone for a while. ciao.


Mavis Fausker said...

Did you mean karma?

I know what you mean. I call to talk to people sometimes, but I really just don't want to do anything. I want to sit around my house and be overly excessively lazy for a while. I've learned to say "no" quite recently. It helps. On that note, if my waking you up ever bothers you, just say so.

miss terri said...

no, it doesn't really bug me when people just call to wake me up because i know that i deserve it and probably should be awake anyhow. i can talk to people most of the time, but yeah, at the moment i just like being excesively lazy.

miss terri said...

he he, you're kinda weird official. but then, look who's talking. :D we should be friends!