Saturday, November 26, 2005

colorlessly shod i wander through space
looking for solace, looking for a place
to rest.

my whole soul shivering, i yet remain awake
expected disappointment my hope takes

deserted by the bedpost i stay
until bathed in sunlight, sleep washes away

there are two main seasons that spur me to poetry: the begining of winter, and the true beginning of spring. i could have guessed that the snow would come, but it still takes a minute to transition from the wire to the generator. it's okay though. i guess that we can't play forever. and the world, like everything else, needs its naps. thus we come to appreciate the time that we have to be awake.


Mavis Fausker said...

I don't know what your problem with winter is. I love it. Well, I guess I know what your problem is, my mom has it too, but I just don't quite comprehend it.

miss terri said...

it didn't used to be this bad. i think that Christmas kept me happy and excited. i don't remember having major issues, except for being stir crazy right before spring and summer.
i don't comprehend it either, really. it's weird.

Alexander said...

