Friday, November 11, 2005

not just me

i know that it's not just me. i just react differently, but everyone around is affected. well, the majority.
the world is going to sleep and like kid before bedtime, Everyone is a little resiliant and not willing to give up the last little bit of the day. i thought that perhaps it was just the drama that i am a tangent to and therefore more watching that participating in. with the whole load of heavy stuff that is coming from around me i thought that it was the drama. but then i looked around a little bit, and i was surprised to see how many people have similar feelings to their thoughts. yes, some have a more dramatic display, but the underlying feeling is the same.
so perhaps i'm not so bizarre in my solar energy and reaction to the changing lights. everyone is affected, just it comes out different in me than in most. so what else is new?


Lindsey said...

Life hits everyone differently. For example, when I'm very hurt, I tend to refuse to show it. Someone else I know goes all out. Another friend of mine simply tells me (or whoever is available to talk to) the situation, we discuss it and then she feels better. Our reactions do say a lot about us.

miss terri said...

i think that more than our reactions though, our actions tell the most.

Lindsey said...

Ooh, deep! I do agree in some ways. It depends on what you're looking for. Actions show, more than reactions, what we choose. Reactions show the sides that we may want to hide.

Mavis Fausker said...

I think that I'm kind of lie Amaya, but I just don't like to show that anything changes me. Yesterday I really felt tired. I felt simply weary. Not as physically tired as I have been before, but it was just a accumulation of several successive Bad Weeks. Nothing really tremendous happened, I just haven't had good weeks recently. But I put on a happy face and pretend it doesn't matter. Sometimes I bother myself.

Lindsey said...

Well, I don't even pretend to be happy. I just end up pretty much blank, like things are normal. But I'm sorry that you have had several bad weeks. That's not fun!

miss terri said...

that isn't good. i wish that i could have done..something. i bother myself in that i live a non-stressful life and everyone knows a lot about how i feel a lot of the time. i'm bad at hiding how i feel. when it's not what i focus on.
i know what it's like to be worn down though. i hate that feeling. it's so much worse than being physically tired.