Monday, November 21, 2005

people are people

one thing that has always driven me crazy is that each person is several people all rolled into one. they have the person that they are at school, the person that they are outside of school (at times these are related), the person that the family knows them as, the person that they think of themselves as, and the person that they are subconsciously. excluding yourself, you only know one, maybe two of the people that are the person you interact with.

i've noticed it more as i spend time on the blog net. i get so confused by some of the other blogs because i see these people at school and they are entirely detached, it seems, from the words that they post on their blogs. why?

i know that i do it too. that was part of my problem with frog boy. it caused issues. i still don't understand though. i try really hard now to be the same person wherever i am. it's an effort to reduce social problems that i am prone to get into. it's another crusade! yay!


Alexander said...

Guilty as charged. Why do we do that, do you think? Oh, the ever-complexifying expanse of human reason and facade! "O me, O life!" The games, the pretense...maybe it's just the teenage mind. Perhaps it's simply the way we subconciously find our identity and purpose.

P.S. Yah for rice crispies and other campaigns!

Mavis Fausker said...

I think that is one of the messages in Jekyll and Hyde. Not necessarily that what we hide is evil, but that there is always something there that no one sees. Man is not one, but two, and all that jazz. It's just lurking [insert creepy echoing voices] right behind the facade.

miss terri said...

it's not just teenagers. i don't like the facade. it doesn't make sense to me. well, sense in the not traditional way.

Lindsey said...

I have been bothered by it, too, but I know that it's very true for me. Why do you think I write?