Saturday, November 05, 2005


i haven't anything profound to write, so you get the mundane life of me because i'm BORED and no one emailed me or is on msn and the phone is of satan. especially since nancy has two dates today and they're both calling every other hour. my brain is decomposing and will soon start oozing from my nose and eyeballs. man, my day's not even been super exciting. i woke up and was going to eat breakfast with smiley, but that was canceled since the people we were going to eat with left to go out of town; he'd forgotten. so we're doing some fall prep round the home; the two minor ones and i went out and cleaned out some water barrels to put in the garage. we put water in them and rolled them around the yard playing bumper cars, push fighting, and dancing on them. it was acually really fun, though my feet got kind of cold. that's ot. that's my day. i'm avoiding my chemistry to the last minute and i can't go ask my date to sadie's until it gets dark. HELP! Somebody come Save ME!!


Mavis Fausker said...

Sorry, I was preoccupied. I had to raise my army of undead to clean the basement, after all. Then Ciria had to come in and be entertaining for over two thousand words.

Next time, you should just call me. I contemplated calling you on several occasions, but I thought that you might be doing something.

Lindsey said...

Haha, Mavis. That's what I feel like, except far less creative (and with a far smaller word count). Umm, I'm having a character meet a guy at a mausoleum. Does that sound fairly unoriginal? See, I don't know what they're doing there yet. Something to make it more creative...

Alexander said...

*GASP* Who did you ask? Tell mmmeeee..............

miss terri said...

marcus, you're weird, and mavis, you should know better than to think that i'm really ever doing anything, especially on a weekend. but yes, i will call someone next time instead of falling into SSAA. as for who i asked, it was the snow leopard. that's as much as you get on the net. :)